The Blog

The Life is a Beautiful Ride blog is all about connecting with other people whose lives are touched by disability in some way. It exists only to educate, entertain or encourage.  It is not a marketplace – it is a community.

When my son was young it was often hard to connect with other parents.  It was the early ’90s and we didn’t even have the internet.  Can you even imagine?  I know I can’t!

I am so thankful that we have this amazing opportunity to connect with one another and share our laughter, tears and resources.

Please join me on this journey.  Life is indeed a Beautiful Ride but we often have bumps and detours along the way.  Let’s share them together.



Colleen's pic

I am a Mom, disability advocate and owner of the FATWHEELS brand of adaptive training wheels.  I live in Plymouth, Michigan with my husband, two sons and a rescue dog named Andi. I love cycling, coffee, belly laughs and a good nap.